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Shaping your body

Tvarování postavy - Praha

If you have come to the conclusion that you are not happy with your body and have finally decided that you want to do something about it - now now! Then there is figure shaping in Prague with professional trainer Vladimír Veverka for you.

Tvarování postavy - Praha

Body shaping - division of needs

Body shaping is a fairly general concept that contains several subsets. For example, for men, the concept of body shaping is mostly understood as an increase or sculpting of muscles, while for women, the term body shaping is more likely to mean losing weight, shaping and strengthening certain parts of their tender bodies. But shaping the figure is not only divided into men and women . Even in these two basic groups, clients have different wishes and ideas about how their bodies should look. In addition, everyone does not start from the same point - for example, someone is overweight, someone is underweight, and it must be noted that everyone has a different body structure and disposition. Each person is an individual, so it is necessary to approach each one individually, and this is also what I do as a professional body shaper.

Body shaping - division of needs

Body shaping is a fairly general concept that contains several subsets. For example, for men, the concept of body shaping is mostly understood as an increase or sculpting of muscles, while for women, the term body shaping is more likely to mean losing weight, shaping and strengthening certain parts of their tender bodies. But shaping the figure is not only divided into men and women . Even in these two basic groups, clients have different wishes and ideas about how their bodies should look. In addition, everyone does not start from the same point - for example, someone is overweight, someone is underweight, and it must be noted that everyone has a different body structure and disposition. Each person is an individual, so it is necessary to approach each one individually, and this is also what I do as a professional body shaper.

Body shaping - methods

Body shaping - increase in muscle mass

An increase in muscle mass ( muscle growth ) is probably every man's dream. Whether the motivation is to gain a generous crowd of female admirers, the respect of friends, or one does it for personal satisfaction. We can all agree that a man should have (at least some) muscles.
An increase in muscle mass means gaining muscle volume. This is achieved when exercising with larger weights and a smaller number of repetitions - the muscle has to be exhausted a lot and the body realizes that it cannot handle this weight and begins to adapt and form larger muscles that can handle these weights.

Shaping the figure - drawing muscles

If someone already has a certain amount of muscle, but is not satisfied with its shape or strength. Or if a woman is not satisfied, for example, with the shape of her back, thighs or calves, then it is the right time for  shaping the figure - drawing muscles .
Most often, muscles are drawn with smaller weights with a greater number of repetitions. For example, the so-called "circuit training" is also performed.
Circuit training is a rather demanding form of exercise where the upper and lower parts of the body are exercised during one circuit in the gym, with only short breaks. Thanks to this, this training is also suitable for endurance training - getting in good shape.

Body shaping - weight loss /  weight reduction

When someone wants to lose weight, quite often they reach for a diet as a vision of "losing weight without effort" (especially if that someone is a woman). However, most of these diets harm the body rather than help, and even when the diets are correct, they are poorly followed. So it is not a suitable solution for shaping the body.
Weight loss training programs are effective and targeted. It mainly focuses on weight reduction in all possible parts of your body. That is why they are suitable for people with obesity but also slightly overweight.

Body shaping - improving physical condition / gaining muscle endurance

It should be noted here that if someone wants to start any kind of body shaping that I describe above, they MUST have physical fitness - it's the basis without which you can't go on. For people who are not used to strengthening, it is necessary to first concentrate on getting some kind of fitness, so that they can first adapt and then they can start working on their specific intention. Therefore, fitness exercise is essential.

Otherwise, this type of training is mainly sought after by people who have problems with their fitness. A problem with fitness manifests itself, for example, in the fact that you are short of breath on the stairs, or you have trouble catching the bus. For example, if you have a sedentary job and you don't get enough exercise, this can have a negative effect on your muscles - they will weaken and you will start to ache, for example, with a sedentary job, most often in the back area - Back pain .
This training is very versatile - there is an effort to involve all muscles and movement abilities and thus improve the physical prerequisites for any effort.

Contact me

the first consultation and execution in the fitness center is FREE

Body shaping - do I need a trainer?

You ask: "Why should I pay a body shaper when I can do it myself?"
Instructions on how to strengthen and shape the body are everywhere and free on the Internet or in the media. But the problem is precisely that these instructions are very often wrong, and when they are not wrong, they are inaccurate and misleading - as we have already said, each person is unique and needs an individual approach. The term individual approach covers an individual diet, individual exercises, weights, number of repetitions, regeneration and many other important factors affecting correct and targeted shaping of the figure.

People often waste their time money and effort on the wrong process to achieve their expected results. They often think that the heavier they lift and the more times they lift, the better. In that case, their efforts would be not only useless, but also dangerous! Overloading your body can lead to collapse, or muscle, joint or other injury. Repeatedly poorly performed exercise can even lead to long-term health problems! (For example, the most common case is when people lift large weights incorrectly with the upper half of their body and their backs suffer).

That is why it is advisable to have an experienced trainer who can advise you on everything.

Body shaping - what can a personal trainer help me with?

A personal trainer will put together an individual training plan and a diet tailored to your needs. A personal trainer will always explain each exercise procedure in a comprehensible and logical way and will point out your mistakes, which should be avoided during your training. ineffective You'll have someone by your side to motivate and encourage you With a personal body shaping trainer you'll reach your goals faster and more efficiently, so your efforts will have some meaning.

I want to start shaping the body!

So if you want to start  shaping your figure in Prague , you are at the right address. As a professional body shaping coach, I will first find out your needs, then I will explain how you should train and eat, because diet is a big percentage of success. I will put together an INDIVIDUAL training plan and diet, tailored to your figure and your ideals. Together we will then begin to work on shaping your figure until it is the shape you want it to be. Trust me it is possible - it just takes willpower, determination and persistence. In just a few months you will see for yourself, noticeable progress!

Contact me

the first consultation and execution in the fitness center is FREE
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Vladimír Veverka
Xplore Fitness
Na Příkopě 17/1047
Prague 1

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