Menu for athletes:
The key to your success
In the second group there will be people who have a whole series of questions to which they are looking for the right answers. Below you will find the most frequently asked questions. If you don't find the answer to yours, please contact me.
Whether you eat healthy or unhealthy, you can always tell on your body, especially in the case of irregular and unhealthy eating. This leads to a bloated belly, indigestion, extra pounds, increased cholesterol levels and other related diseases.
Food often contains substances dangerous to the body, although it can last a long time, but its gradual devastation may not be obvious at first glance. It is therefore important to take care of your body, to have a healthy diet prepared for you. It usually defines which foods benefit the body and which are better to avoid. This also applies to a menu tailored to athletes.
If you don't do sports, you may not observe the results of unhealthy eating as well as it is with people of the sporty type. If an athlete eats a heavy and unhealthy lunch, then goes to perform some of the sports activities, he will quickly learn that the body does not like this load of food. In order to achieve good results and good health, they must not only play sports, but also follow a diet for athletes. The classic diet, which is generally followed by many people, may not meet the demanding requirements for a balanced diet. Under the term classic menu, people often imagine that they eat what they feel like and whenever they feel like it.
If you do sports, it is clear that you need to consume completely different foods than an individual who wants to lose weight. The difference between a diet for athletes and a customized healthy diet is both in the composition of the food and in the time intervals between the individual phases of eating. With long-term stress, you need a diet corresponding to the performance. The planned workload requires a tailored diet so that the organism has enough nutrients and does not suffer. The menu for athletes consists of several parts.
It is not possible to list all the foods that an athlete's diet should contain here, because it is really suggested to the individual. In general, quality and fresh food is the basis. Includes:
Legumes and cereals
Dairy products
Don't forget about supplements, i.e. dietary supplements that are not a direct ingredient. If you are already using them, you need to take them into account in the diet for athletes, due to their high nutritional value.
The menu for athletes must also be appropriately balanced in terms of individual phases. The individual components must contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats and sugars. In this way, you will avoid excess intake and, on the contrary, insufficient intake of these components. It is generally known that it is bad to take in a large amount of carbohydrates and fats, but a large amount of protein is also not suitable. The body cannot process them properly. If you consume too much dairy products, you burden the organism, a large amount of lactose causes long-term digestive problems.
The menu for athletes can also be used for long-term nutrition, but certain criteria must be observed. Given that it is tailored to a given athlete and his specific activities, it is important to make a change in diet with any major change in the training plan. For minor changes such as a change in training volume, no changes are made to the menu. In the event of a change in the overall focus of the training plan, it is necessary to adjust the diet adequately, for example in cases where you switch from volume training to strength training and vice versa.
As a professional personal trainer, I will prepare a tailor-made diet for athletes to meet the specific needs of each of you. Do not hesitate to contact me and order a menu for athletes in Prague, perhaps immediately. I offer non-binding consultations and I will be happy to answer all your questions. The nutritional advice I provide is based on my own years of experience.
I am your personal nutritionist, but also a personal trainer who offers you the following training programs, for example: Body shaping, Muscle growth, Weight reduction, Rehabilitation exercises, back pain exercises, conditioning exercises and many other programs. I also offer training for the Spartan race, Cross training, and you can arrange fitness training at your home.