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Category: Nezařazené

Obesity and Emotional Eating

Obesity and Emotional Eating Introduction: Obesity and emotional eating are phenomena that often go hand in hand and can have a significant impact on our health and quality of life. [...]
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Recovery After Sports

Introduction: Recovery after physical activity is a critical aspect of a successful training plan. Without proper recovery, there is a risk of overloading, injury, and decreased performance. Cold therapy, along [...]
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Static and Dynamic Stretching

Static and Dynamic Stretching: Differences, Benefits, and How to Perform Them Correctly Static Stretching Static stretching is a classic method that many people know and use during training. The principle [...]
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Vladimír Veverka
Fitness AXAGYM - Hotel AXA
Na Poříčí 40/1051
Prague 1 - Nové Město

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